Website Development Services


How Much Does Website Redesign Cost?

How Much Does Website Redesign Cost

Does your website’s design look outdated, or do you feel as if it does not reflect your brand’s personality? Or probably, you have noticed that it takes too long to load and the sales have even decreased? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, perhaps this is the right time to redesign your website.

Essentially, by redesigning your site, you can improve its user experience, attract your ideal customers, and even improve its ranking on different search engines.

However, one thing you must think critically about when redesigning your site is the website redesign cost. This is because pricing varies based on things like design quality, website size, and the complexity of the redesign.

So, to help you better envision your redesign process, let’s dig deeper into everything you might need to know about the cost of a website redesign.

How Much Does Website Redesign Cost

How Do You Know If Your Website Needs A Redesign

Audience engagement is the main target of a website. If the audience engagement on your website is decreasing day by day, then you should need to redesign your website.

There are so many reasons which are responsible for the less traffic on your website, namely, loading time is very slow, the website is nonresponsive, the navigation system is bad, the design is outdated, the content structure is not up to the mark, etc. Below, we have provided a bar chart with the percentage of the top reasons that are responsible for redesigning a website.

How Do You Know If Your Website Needs A Redesign

High bounce rate

Visitor satisfaction can be measured by the bounce rate of your website. The lower the bounce rate, the betterment of your website increases. But when the bounce rate is increasing on your website that indicates the visitors are not satisfied and leave the site within a second. This can happen when your website has a large number of unnecessary information or it is too complex.

bounce rate metrics

When your website’s bounce rate is within 40% then it’s a good sign for your website, when it’s roaming between 40% to 60% then the condition is on average but when it’s crossing 60% bounce rate, then you need to redesign your website.

Non-Responsive or less Mobile-Friendly

46% of People around the world use mobile as their primary research device. In general, if you see your surround, you can see people often use mobile rather than any other device to purchase anything online, and experts say that 67% of people make their purchases from their mobile.

If your site is not mobile friendly then it won’t attract visitors. So, if your website is not designed to automatically adjust according to different-sized screens, redesigning it would be very important.

non responsive or non mobile friendly website

Hard to navigate and slow

When your website is easy to navigate and loads faster, visitors will have an easy time finding exactly what they are looking for. And as a result, they will want to spend more time on your site, which could lead to increased sales. Generally, you can try to put yourself in your visitors’ shoes by trying to navigate through your website. And if you are not able to find the content you are looking for with just a few clicks, then it means it needs a revamp.

Low search engine ranking

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an important factor for any website. Because it helps you to rank your post at the top without even spending a penny. People often prefer the website that they’ve found on the first page. According to research, 75% of users collect information or pick websites from the first page of google. If your website has a ranking issue, fix it by redesigning it.

Your company is growing too fast

When your business is growing pretty fast, it is a good thing. However, it can be a problem if your website cannot cater to the needs of your growing company. For instance, you might find that the site is loading slowly because of too much content. In such a case, the best thing would be to give it some level of overhaul so it is easily navigable.

Poor or outdated aesthetics

So, you can’t remember when was the last time you updated your website in the last few years? Or does it look outdated with undesirable aesthetics? Well, it may be high time you redesigned it to improve its visual appeal. After all, technology, web design trends, market trends, and even SEO rules change frequently.

Low conversion rates/ reduction in sales

If you’re running an affiliate website, you expect the conversion rates to be high. The higher the conversion rate, the better the website is. If the conversion rate started decreasing then you need to redesign your website. In fact, the conversion rate depends on a number of things. For example, in 2019, Portnet made research and find out that a 0-4 second load time is ideal for a website but when it increases, the conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42%.

Lack of consistent branding style

It’s normal for your business to change its branding over time as your target audience evolves. In this case, it is important that your website maintains the same look and feel throughout to provide your visitors with a feeling of trust. The best solution will, therefore, be to give your site a makeover.

Factors Affecting a Website Redesign Cost?

Thinking of redesigning your website, but you don’t know where to start or the pricing of a website redesign? When it comes to updating your website, the cost varies depending on various factors, which include:

The project type/size

It goes without saying that the cost of redesigning a large website will be higher than that of a smaller site. This is because there will be more content to reorganize and even transfer over to the new site.

Basically, the size of the website depends on the number of pages it has. A bigger site may have between 150-250 pages or even more while a smaller one is between 1-50 pages. However, different web design companies may use different page ranges for their services.

The project type also does affect the cost. For example, a complex website may require more time and energy to redesign compared to one with a simple redesign. As a result, the cost will be relatively high.

Design approach and processes

A good website redesign company will have a very well-thought-out design approach and processes that may include goal setting, strategy, brainstorming, UI/UX testing, development, and much more. Of course, each of these stages will need its own meetings, brainstorming, revisions, and implementation.

However, because of the many processes which mean more research will be needed, the overall cost of redesigning your site will likely be higher. But in the end, you can expect the final product to be worth the money.

Design quality and geographic factor

Depending on where your design company is located and the quality of their designs, the cost of website redesign may vary. This means that you will be charged differently for the same type of work by different companies based on the country they reside.

For instance, if you hire a design company from the US, you can expect to pay between $60 – $170 per hour on average. While it’s a little pricey, you will not have to worry about their quality of design.

On the other hand, if you decide to hire the services of a website redesign agency located in the UK or Western Europe, the average cost per hour may range between $60 and $120. But interestingly, it will be cheaper to hire a professional from Eastern Europe since their charges range between $30-$45 per hour.

Level of functionality and integrations

Different types of sites offer varying levels of functionality. For example, if you’re running an e-commerce website, it may have more functionality such as a shopping cart, navigation bar, payment and shipping options, and more compared to a catalog site. As such, the average price of redesigning it will also be higher.

In addition, if your site needs more integrations into 3rd party systems like ERP, CRM, or eCommerce, this will also necessitate extra costs. However, the cost of the integrations will vary depending on the complexity of the process.

The team behind it

If you want your website redesign to be successful, you must hire a team of experienced web design specialists with in-depth knowledge about redesigning different types of websites. But of course, you should be prepared to pay a higher price.

On the other hand, if you want to cut costs, you may hire a less experienced web redesign team. But because of the low prices, you should not expect so much from the team because they are likely to overlook some important things. So, while finding a web design specialist might be a little pricey, you will find that in the end, the investment will be well worth the cost.

Content creation

Your website needs high-quality content for it to provide you with the desired results. Unfortunately, creating quality content that is sure to provide high conversion rates is very time-consuming and also expensive.

The good news is that you can always transfer over content from your previous website if you want to keep the cost down. But if you decide to outsource content instead, the cost of your website redesign will shoot up. This is considering that the cost of copywriting services may vary between different copywriters.

Fast turnaround times

When you decide to redesign your small or large website, and you expect the process to be completed within a very short time, the costs of redesigning may go up by thousands of dollars. And it does not matter whether you will be hiring a small or large-sized web design company.

Of course, the price increase will depend on factors such as project type, functionality, design quality, and even design process. Therefore, if you can avoid it, you should never opt for a rapid redesign.

What Main Services Are Offered For A Website Redesign?

If you’re going to redesign your website, then first it is better to determine the extent of work. You can redecorate your website, can change the infrastructure of the back end, remodel the full website, or rebuild the whole thing. The redesign cost depends on what you’re willing to do with your website.

Redecorating a Website

Redecorating a website means making changes in visualization. For example, you’re willing to do some changes in the web design, or you’re thinking to change your brand color, want to add more images, videos, etc. If you’re willing to redecorate your website then it won’t cost you that much but most of your website problems will remain the same.


The core thing of a website is its backend and the code that is used to build it. Rewiring a website means you’re going to improve the coding and the back end of your website by providing the latest technology. Also, doing changes to speed up the loading speed by using CMS or Cloud is also a part of this service. As you’re changing the core things with high and updated technology, it’ll cost you more because the things that will add to your website are highly expensive.


When you’re willing to remodel your website, basically you’ll have to redecorate and rewire your website. It’ll solve your all of problems and will provide a new look and better performance on your website. This process will need time as well as it’ll cost you more.


The terms “rebuilding a website” and “developing a website” are interchangeable. Rebuilding entails using the same elements that were utilized to create the website in the first place. If you want to get your website back on track, rebuilding it is not a good idea, but if you’re changing your company, and its service, or want to make a huge change, you can do it. This procedure will take a significant amount of time and money.

How Long Does a Website Redesign Take?

Well, it’s hard to say the exact timeframe because there are so many things that influence how long it takes to redesign a website. But overall, for most websites, it may take anywhere between 45 and 90 days and sometimes longer.

Generally, if you want your entire website revamped, the process may take 3-6 months. On the other hand, if you just want the website updated, then it may take 2-4 months to complete the redesigning.

You see, planning alone for a website redesign and development could take between 2 and 4 months depending on your goals. And if you don’t have any goals and strategies already in place, then the redesign may take forever.

Additionally, who you hire to do the redesigning can make a difference in terms of how long it takes to update your site. For instance, you might find that a web design agency has more time to focus on your project from the moment you hire them while a freelance designer might be having a tight schedule. The opposite could also be the case.

How Much Does It Cost to Redesign a Website?

You can redesign your website in three ways.

  • You can do it on your own.
  • Hire a freelancer to do the job.
  • Hire an agency to redesign the website.

We’ve provided the cost and time needed to redesign a Website if you do it by yourself, by hiring a freelancer, or by hiring an agency. Let’s go through the details then.

Redesign Your own Website by Yourself

Redesigning your website by yourself is the cheapest way. In general, it’ll cost you less but it’ll need more time and you have to carry more hassle. If you’re not well sounded in this web redesign sector, you can’t do this work faster. It will take time but you can do the job on a short budget. Basically, it can cost $100 to more than $ 4000, depending on your need actually. 

But when someone intends to do it by themselves, they do some common mistakes. Namely,

  • Crowded web design
  • No sign of Call-to-action on the website.
  • Hide the navigation.
  • Provide bad web typography.
  • The usage of whitespace is not standard.

Keep these mentioned things in your mind while redesigning your own website. And choose the things carefully.

Redesign a Website by a Freelancer

If you’re not confident enough or willing to redesign your website quicker then you can hire a professional freelance designer. The cost of a freelancer depends on the redesigned type, talent, and ability. If you’re looking for a simple website then it’ll cost you approximately $2000 to $10,000. But if you are looking for a complex one then they’ll cost you more than $10,000.

But there are some drawbacks too, basically, a freelancer does have many clients and they handle their work on a very tight schedule. You may not get satisfaction from their work or they might not provide you with a perfect shot. So, before choosing a freelancer, do it wisely. Another tip for you, if the redesign is simple, take the help of a freelancer. If the work is complex, it’s better to go for agency support.

Redesign a Website by an Agency

Another option is, to hire an agency to get done your job. You should go for it if you have a complex website or want to do complex work. Because when you choose an agency for redesigning your website, they provide a full team of experts. You will control them and also, and they can provide you with some suggestions for the betterment of your website.

Hiring an agency can cost you $15,000 to more than $80,000, depending on the design and work you’ll get done by them.

To differentiate between freelancers and agencies, the agency will provide you with their best work and there will be a dedicated team for redesigning your website. An agency will help you to build a powerful machine for your business. They do a full analysis of your previous website and find out the exact reasons, and solve them accordingly.

So, if you don’t have a budget issue, you should hire an agency, it’ll worth the money and the time you’re giving to redesign the website.

Redesign a WordPress website

The pricing is pretty much the same as that of creating a new WordPress website unless all you want are minor changes. But generally, the cost can range from as low as $300 to $500 or even as high as $3,000 or more. This is while factoring in the cost of the domain name, web hosting, storage and bandwidth, plugins, SSL certificate, themes, and labor.

However, you will find that the cost varies depending on factors such as whether your business prefers to do the redesign in-house or hire a web design company. For an in-house website redesign, the price may range from $0 to $300, but if you hire an agency, the costs may range between $3,000 and $100,000.

On the other hand, your type of WordPress website also plays a role in determining the cost of redesigning it. For example, if you want your e-commerce redesigned, you will pay around $1,500 to $5,000 or more depending on functionality, language used to develop, and paid plugins you want to be added to your site. But for a small business website cost, the pricing can be anywhere between $500 and $2,000. For a Shopify website development cost, it’s kind of the same.

Website Redesign Tips and Best Practices

If you have decided to redesign your website, you should know that it is definitely not a small investment or task. The process can be quite expensive and even more time-consuming depending on many factors such as the size of your site. But to ensure everything pays off in the long run, here are some site redesign tips and best practices that might help you.

  • Reassess your goals prior to initiating your website redesign, which is simply the objectives you would like to accomplish with the redesigning.
  • Make sure it is mobile-friendly and the design is responsive.
  • Work on loading time to ensure it is fast for a better user experience.
  • Use high-resolution and vibrant images so your visitors can get a good feel for your products.
  • If you plan to hire a web design company to revamp your site, be sure to calculate website redesign costs before they start working on your project so it’s easy to budget for everything.
  • You should opt for a minimalistic design that is less cluttered so that your audience has an easy time navigating around the site.
  • Optimize your site for SEO so that it’s easy for your target audience to find your products or services.
  • Always take into consideration the needs of your audience by putting yourself in their shoes because, without them, your website and business will probably not survive out there.
  • Offer various contact channels so that it’s easy for your visitors to get in touch with you just in case you are not reachable via one of the channels.
  • Consider placing your CTAs (call-to-action) buttons strategically for optimal results.
  • Don’t be afraid to restructure the entire content on your website if you feel it is not appealing to your target audience.
  • You must focus on the personality of your brand by using consistent fonts, colors, and an easily identifiable logo.

Final Thoughts

If your site is loading slowly, has a high bounce rate, is not mobile-friendly, or is experiencing low-conversion rates, you should definitely consider redesigning it to improve its performance. However, it is important that you first think about the costs involved. After all, many factors affect website redesign cost, including the size and type of your project, design quality, level of functionality, and the geographic location of the web design company.

And more importantly, you must take into consideration how long the redesigning might take so you don’t grow impatient if it takes up to 6 months to have your new site ready.

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