Website Development Services


How to Embed Video in WordPress


Do you know that almost 86% of businesses use video content for engagement and lead generation? This is a huge number, right? Then imagine how much you are missing if your content in WordPress doesn’t include a video. That’s why it’s important for anyone who has a site to know how to embed video in WordPress to make visitors spend more time on your content thus decreasing the bounce rate.

Therefore, in this article, we will tell you how to embed video in your WordPress site using plug-ins and manually. Read on to know more about the topic.

How to Embed Video in WordPress

Why Should I Embed Video in WordPress?

Before you start adding videos to your site, you must be sure why you need to do that in the first place.

The main purpose of adding a video to your content is to improve the SEO ranking by increasing the average time on the page by the visitor. Visitors these days are more inclined towards video content than text content. Inserting a video in between your text content improves the visitor’s engagement as they tend to open the video before they go through your whole article.

So now let’s discuss how you can insert video in your WordPress content.

Embedding Video in WordPress- Without Plug-ins

There are two easy steps you can follow to embed video in WordPress if you do not want to use any plug-ins for the job.

Step 01: Copy and Paste the URL

So this is the easiest way to embed a video in WordPress. 

  • To do that you have to first copy the URL of the video you want to embed in the WordPress.
  • Second, paste the  URL wherever you want your video to appear.
  • Once you paste the video into WordPress, the CMS will recognize the video and embed it automatically where you wanted.

Note: Suppose, you want to embed your own video instead of another’s video on youtube. In that case, you will have to upload it somewhere to be able to get the URL. For example, you have to upload the video in Youtube and then copy and embed the video in your content.

Step 02: Embed Video Using Video Block

Sometimes you may want to upload or embed videos directly from your media library. In that case, WordPress has a solution for you. WordPress has a dedicated video block for you to upload a video directly from your computer.

  • For that, Click on Add Block sign and choose video block.
  • Then you will get a block with two options to choose from; Media Library or Add URL.
  • Select whichever option you want to go for uploading your video and hit upload. 

WordPress video block will allow you to move the block at your desired position in between the text. Remember that when you upload a video to your media library once, you can add the same video to other pages of the site with the least effort.

Embedding Video in WordPress- With Plug-ins

If you have a WordPress site enabled for using premium plugins, then you can save a lot of time you would spend manually adding videos in every page of your site. There are multiple plug-ins that let you add your video automatically on every page and allow you to customize your video content the way you want. Let’s discuss some of the plug-ins that will make the video embedding process a lot easier and improve your site’s performance greatly.

Advanced Responsive Video Embedder

With this plug-in embedding videos are easier. It allows its user to embed video from any kind of video host available. It also makes the embedded video interactive and well-suited for mobile devices. You can customize your video title, description, and meta description with this plug-in which eventually improves the SEO performance of your content.

Youtube By EmbedPlus

If you are expecting a bit of customization feature from an embedder plugin, Youtube by EmbedPlus can be a great choice. This plug-in offers additional customization with a lot of settings along with all the essential basic features. This has gallery capabilities that pull out the videos from your site and create a list of videos from where your visitor can easily search for what they are looking for. The responsive galleries are also customizable.

Easy Video Player

If you want to make your embedded videos responsive even for non-standard and unusual browsers, Easy Video Player will do the trick for you as it uses HTML5. This plug-in uses customizable shortcodes for embedding videos and making them responsive on all devices and browsers. This plug-in includes all the other essential features like mute, loop, and autoplay setting at a very flexible and reasonable plan.

So these are the plug-in you can use to embed your videos in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s The Difference Between Uploading And Embedding Videos On WordPress?

So uploading means you directly upload the video to your site using the bandwidth of your site to make it watchable for your viewers. On the contrary, embedding just involves using the video link from any video streaming site and using it on your own site for making it available to visitors. Here it’s just linking the video from another platform to your site.

Why Not Simply Upload Videos To Your Website Directly instead of embedding them?

When you stuff your server resources with all of your uploaded videos, the site’s responsiveness debilitates, and load time increases. It also happens when you are using a shared hosting where one’s use of extra resources impacts the load time of other sites connected with the same hosting. 

Also, embedding videos from popular streaming sites like youtube increases the SEO performance of the website page driving youtube viewers to the site. That’s why embedding is a far better option than uploading videos.


Video marketing has gotten so much attention in the past few years due to the shift in audience interaction with different forms of content. That’s why it’s highly important for anyone with a WordPress site and create content to add videos for better audience engagement. But embedding video on WordPress with or without a plug-in is just a piece of cake if you have already read our article thoroughly. We left nothing out of your knowledge. We hope you can now embed the video without much of a hassle.